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加拿大卑詩省理工學院 BCIT



運用測驗組別 & 項目



1. 新進學生語言能力落點分析
2. 衡量學習進度,確保學生擁有足夠的語言能力進入課程



為了幫助語言程度較低的國際學生順利入學學習,BCIT 提供了「國際學生語言訓練課程 (ISEP),提供學術聽說讀寫英語技能加強訓練。IHELP 課程長達 7 周,學生入學時需接受分班測驗,以確保能被分配到符合其語言學習需求的班級學習。

雖然 ISEP 課程已運作多年,但為了提供更符合學生語言需求的學習方案,並符合國際語言標準,校方針對 ISEP 課程的分班測驗工具及課程內容進行了優化。根據該校 Janet Zlotnik (Academic Support Planning) 表示:「我們希望建立一個符合國際語言標準 CEFR 的語言訓練課程,以確保學生為未來的學科學習做好準備,並能夠順利完成學業。

( ‘We therefore wanted to create a new pathway programme that was mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to ensure that students were ready for further study and were able to successfully complete the courses of their choice.’)

經過廣泛研究,BCIT 選擇了領思測驗作為分班測驗工具。領思測驗採用的 AI 先進人工智慧技術提供了學習者更適性、個人化、且快速的測驗體驗。不僅如此,領思測驗可依循國際語言標準 CEFR 和劍橋英語分數量表 Cambridge English Scale 提供精準的語言測驗結果,方便校方更加有效地分配學員進入的合適的班級學習。



校方在正式採用領思測驗前,指派了 200 位學生進行領思測驗體驗及問卷調查,調查結果非常正向,不僅教師全體表示領思測驗的成績能精準反映學生的語言程度,體驗的學生也表示:領思考試雖然比原先的分班測驗更具挑戰性,但測驗的過程也更加有趣,且測驗成績提供了他們進步所需的具體方向。


(‘The rankings provided by the Linguaskill results were remarkable – at no point did any instructor say that students should have been ranked higher or lower,’ adds Janet. ‘That was a strong sell for Linguaskill – and we were also impressed with student feedback. They found it harder but more interesting than our previous test. They also liked the adaptive approach plus the fact that they got an exact grade that showed what they needed to do to move forward.’)


Covid-19疫情對高等教育造成很大的影響,但領思測驗成功地幫助BCIT這樣擁有許多國際學生的學校克服了執行分班測驗的困境。Janet Zlotnik (Academic Support Planning) 表示:「領思提供遠距測驗服務,重要的是,它還提供了線上遠距監考服務,讓來自世界各地的學生不用旅行奔波也能進行測驗,且測驗結果精準又可靠。」


(‘Obviously Linguaskill is online, which makes it simpler to run remotely, but most importantly it includes an online invigilation service, which means international students can take the test without needing to travel, and we can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of the results.’)



1. 減少ISEP課程中途退出率

2. 提高ISEP課程結業率,輔助學生進入BCIT學科課程

3. 提高BCIT學科課程結業率


Janet Zlotnik (Academic Support Planning) 表示:「雖然眾多外部因素容易影響國際學生的人數,但透過領思測驗與ISEP課程的結合,我們擁有了一個精準、詳細且依循國際標準的語言評測工具,且能提供學員更加個人化的學習體驗。因此,,我們對BCIT的未來充滿信心。」

(‘External factors can always impact international student numbers, but with Linguaskill and the new ISEP we now have a detailed assessment, mapped to a global standard, combined with content-based learning matched to the requirements of our courses,’ concludes Janet. ‘With this in place we are confident for the future at BCIT.’)
