「領思檢測與我們希望創新並透過科技幫助學生學習的願景相同,使我們得以展現屬於南洋理工大學的理工思維 (Engineering mindset)。」
運用測驗組別 & 項目
實用組-聽力 & 閱讀
1. 確保校內國際學生具備全英授課所需之語言程度
2. 提供國際學生符合個人化需求的語言學習方案
該校每年有來自超過 100 個國籍的國際學生加入研究課程,且課程全採全英語授課方式進行,故國際學生於申請入學時須提交語言能力證明文件。然而,學校雖然針對國際學生有設立入學語言門檻(如雅思、托福成績等),但國際學生通常口說與寫作能力較弱,容易影響學科學習,故於入學後另全面要求國際學生參與領思寫作及口說測驗。
劍橋考試研發單位特別與專家合作,設計對考生不易造成視覺疲勞的測試介面,讓考生能在相對減壓與舒適的環境下進行語言評量。此外,領思檢測採 AI 先進人工智慧技術應用至出題與評分的英語檢測,不僅能快速得知評量結果且成績依循國際標準 CEFR,清楚呈現語言強項及弱項。因此方便校方依個別學生的語言需求,提供個人化的輔助與語言學習方案。
‘From the individual test reports we have been able to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of every student,’ adds Serena Tan Siew Koon. ‘This is being used to inform the English language course we run alongside our postgraduate programmes, helping the tutors to tailor content to specific needs. Students are also very positive about the test – they appreciate how simple it is to take and how it gives them insight into their skill levels, and areas for potential improvement.’
▍完整體現南洋理工大學的理工思維 (Engineering mindset)
劍橋領思致力於結合最新科技技術,以利提供全球師生更快速、彈性且精準的語言評量工具。而此宗旨恰恰符合校方的願景。故新加坡南洋理工大學的 Serena Tan Siew Koon (Assistant Manager for Graduate Studies) 表示: 「領思檢測與我們希望創新並透過科技幫助學生學習的願景相同,使我們得以展現屬於南洋理工大學的理工思維 (Engineering mindset)。」
‘We chose Linguaskill as being an online test meant there was no paper required and being computer-based appealed to the engineering mindset,’ said Serena Tan Siew Koon. ‘Linguaskill was very convenient to run for our students, who were able to take all four skills within our computer facilities. It also fits with our ethos of being innovative and embracing technology to help our students.’